Langley Gold Medal
Awards and Medals
The Board of Regents established the Langley Gold Medal in 1908 at the suggestion of Dr. Alexander Graham Bell to honor the memory of Samuel P. Langley, the third Secretary of the Institution and a famous pioneer in aeronautics. The medal is awarded for meritorious investigations in connection with the science of aerodromics and its application to aviation. Recipients include:
1999 - Neil Armstrong, Edwin A. "Buzz" Aldrin, Michael Collins (the crew of Apollo 11) 1992 - Benjamin O. Davis, Jr. 1987 - Barry Goldwater 1983 - Jay Coburn 1983 - H. Ross Perot Jr. 1981 - Robert T. Jones 1981 - Charles Stark Draper 1976 - James E. Webb 1976 - Grover Loening 1971 - Samuel Phillips |
1967 - Wernher von Braun 1964 - Alan B. Shepard Jr. 1962 - Hugh Latimer Dryden 1960 - Robert H. Goddard (posthumously) 1955 - Jerome Clarke Hunsaker 1935 - Joseph S. Ames 1929 - Richard Evelyn Byrd 1929 - Charles Matthews Manly (posthumously) 1927 - Charles A. Lindbergh |